If your partner had annoying habits,would you live with them or change them?

It’s called compromise!No one is perfect; therefore we have to live with one another despite one’s annoying habits. It’s weird how we see things differently, the common English saying ‘one man‘s meat is another‘s poison’ goes for habits too.

Thursday, February 28, 2013
DOreen UMutesi

It’s called compromise!No one is perfect; therefore we have to live with one another despite one’s annoying habits. It’s weird how we see things differently, the common English saying ‘one man‘s meat is another‘s poison’ goes for habits too. There are things we do daily that annoy other people yet we feel comfortable doing them. For instance I know of guys who hate women’s hair extensions and would not want their partners to use them. But some women love using hair extensions. Changing someone‘s behaviour is hard especially as they grow older. They have that mentality that trying to change who they are is a way to control them and this never goes down well. In Kinyarwanda there is a common saying ‘Igiti kigororwa kikiri gito’ which literally means that it’s easy to trim a tree when it is still young than in old age. There are several pressing habits that one has to live with if the relationship is to survive. Finding common ground is the best way to live with your partner’s bad habits. For example if they are bad at keeping time, always make plans with them hours before you actually meet. My maternal grandmother was so bad at keeping time that my grandfather developed a strategy of lying to her about the actual time of a function. This would save them from arriving at the ceremony late. If our ancestors could stand each other’s annoying habits, I don’t see why we can’t.  According to an article by Ugo in Humor ‘How to Cope with Your Spouse’s Bad Habits’, when two people come together to start a family as husband and wife, every one of them is coming to the table with more than a package of bad habits. The issue here is how to cope with those bad habits exhibited by spouses in their homes without so much as upsetting the apple’s cart.The article further states that the issue here is tolerance and love. With love, you can afford to overlook certain things you know could easily start-off the 3rd World War in your once peaceful home, something you wouldn’t want to witness. That is how to cope with your spouse’s bad habits. Make them your own and live with them and have a happy experience together.