Things I wish she knew

I need some loving Just like her, I also need love. Even though women have the reputation of being more emotionally needy, men also find themselves longing for those words. Please say them often.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013
Men love affection too. Net photo.

I need some loving

Just like her, I also need love. Even though women have the reputation of being more emotionally needy, men also find themselves longing for those words. Please say them often.I need admiration

Show me admiration and your wish will be my command. Nag me or attack me and I will retreat to my cave.I am not a mind reader

I can’t anticipate your needs and desires. Tell me what you want. Help me out. The proof of my love is not in my clairvoyance, but in my response to her clearly expressed wishes.Intimacy means a lot to me

My desire for physical intimacy is not some minor biological need that is a routine. It is an expression of my desire for a deep and profound connection with her. When she rebuffs it, it is hurtful and I feel rejected. My job is important to me

For my self-worth, for a feeling of accomplishment, and because I want to provide for us, she should try to understand that I work hard. I am not just watching matches and chilling with friends all day.I am caring

She seems to think I don’t care, but I am actually capable of loving and caring for her. Just that I’m not that good at showing it, but she is always close to my heart. I would love to give her all she needs

I really wish I could give her all the material possessions her heart desires. It is painful that I can’t. But she shouldn’t increase the pressure by constantly criticising me about it.I am a simple gentleman

I am a simple creature with simple needs. I don’t require elaborate dinners at fancy Chinese restaurants. I just want the comfort of a warm, simple hangout and good company.