If she’s secretive, ditch her!

Dear It’s a Guy Thing, I have been dating this woman for a couple of months and a few nights ago she revealed she had a four year old child.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Dear It’s a Guy Thing,I have been dating this woman for a couple of months and a few nights ago she revealed she had a four year old child. I really have no problem with that but all my friends are telling me to ditch her real quick and run for the hills. I really like her and don’t want this to be the reason I leave her. What do you think I should do?Robert.-----------------------------------------

Dear Robert,I don’t think that the problem is the fact that she has a child. Rather the issue is that she revealed that after a few months. I would have assumed that she would have told you a few dates into the relationship simply because it was such important information. Hiding the fact that she was a four year-olds mother was fishy, in my opinion.I mean, those are some of the essential things that you are supposed to know about each other before you become serious. Is it because she felt that you would flee if you knew? Is it because she was embarrassed of her child (or the circumstances of the child’s birth)? Her lack of clarity and openness gives me cause for concern. Sure, you might stay with her because you don’t have any issues dating her. But what assurances do you have that she will not, in the future, hide more things from you? There are too many red flags to ignore. Let her go.If you have any questions, contact its aguything@newtimes.co.rw