What’s your favourite movie?

Martin Bishop visited Kigali Harvest School and asked children what their favourite movies are and why:

Saturday, February 23, 2013
Faustine Hategekimana

Martin Bishop visited Kigali Harvest School and asked children what their favourite movies are and why:  Shades of Sin is my best so far. It makes me very happy. I like how the story unfolds – couples fighting for their love. Oh, and I also like Preta, the main actress. Faustine HategekimanaMy favourite movie is Long Coat. It teaches us a lot. For instance, the subject of unity and reconciliation, which is important to Rwanda and Rwandans today, is tackled in the movie.  Omega UmuhungireWrong Turn is a movie I would advice everyone to watch. It taught me to avoid being misled. And the main actor, John, makes the movie more interesting. Emma SenyamilengaJourney to Mysterious Island is a fantastic movie. I love the whole plot and the ending was perfect. Besides, The Rock is my best actor by far.  Marios Damianou RipheLa Madrastra is my best movie. I am a person who likes detective movies. And the way they captured the enemy in this movie made me happy. I liked Maria, a detective in the movie. Prince NiyogisubizoL’amour is a movie with the best care and love I’ve ever seen. I love the actors. In fact, when I grow up I want to be like them. Pia Sangwa, Sauvee Par