Playing is healthy for children

Going to school is great. It is certainly one of the best things Mum, Dad or any guardian can give to a child. Therefore,  studies in class ought to be taken seriously because, as a pupil, you are getting a lot of knowledge from the various lessons.

Saturday, February 23, 2013
Playing is a time to refresh. Net photo.

Going to school is great. It is certainly one of the best things Mum, Dad or any guardian can give to a child. Therefore,  studies in class ought to be taken seriously because, as a pupil, you are getting a lot of knowledge from the various lessons.Mathematics, Science, Social studies and many more subjects taught at school will help you in future.  But, as children, you should always remember that, ‘’work without play makes Jack a dull boy.’’When it’s time for break, do not just keep in class doing the homework given to you but rather, go out and play with other children. In doing so, you are relaxing your mind and preparing yourself for the next lessons. Playing is a time to refresh. You might not choose to go skipping the rope or playing dodge ball. Even chatting and laughing with friends is a cool thing to do.Apart from having fun, playing makes you keep healthy, physically fit and releases stress, thus giving you reason to smile, after all you are healthy.When you do not go out to play or do something that gets your mind relaxed, you might find yourself dosing in class because, you are tired and weary. This can lead to poor performance at the end of the day.Therefore, to avoid such a situation, take time to play inorder to avoid being dull in class. There is always time for everything; when it’s time to read, do it, when it’s time to play, go out and play.  Have fun!