Jokes for kids

Q: Why was the broom late?A: It over swept!Q: What stories do the ship captain’s children like to hear?A. Ferry tales!

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Q: Why was the broom late?A: It over swept!Q: What stories do the ship captain’s children like to hear?A. Ferry tales!Q: Why did the child study in the aeroplane?A: He wanted a higher education!Q: What kind of hair do oceans have?A: Wavy!Q: What do you call a ship that lies on the bottom of the ocean and shakes?A: A nervous WRECK!Q: What did the Pacific Ocean say to the Atlantic Ocean?A: Nothing. It just waved.Q. Why do bagpipers walk when they play?A. They’re trying to get away from the noise.Q: How do you prevent a summer cold?A: Catch it in the winter!Q: Which division of the army can a child join?A: Infantry!Q: Did you hear about the man who was tap dancing?A. He broke his ankle when he fell into the sink.Q: Where does Tarzan buy his clothes?A: At a Jungle Sale!Q: How do you keep an idiot busy for hours?A: Give him a piece of paper with ‘‘«Please turn over’’ written on both sides.