Finding the right partner

IF SOMEONE ASKED you to say something about your partner today, what would you say? Is he/she the kind of person that you – if you were to do things all over again – would still need?

Friday, February 22, 2013

IF SOMEONE ASKED you to say something about your partner today, what would you say? Is he/she the kind of person that you – if you were to do things all over again – would still need?The answer to this question comes down to finding the right partner. Many people make the mistake of wanting a partner that looks/behaves/or is like so and so, but they end up with the wrong person. This is how you can tell that the person you have met is "The One”:Loves you unconditionally When you meet the right person, they will always love you unconditionally despite your shortcomings. They will never criticise you for who you are, but correct you when necessary. The one who is meant for you will always be with you, in your ups and downs and never will he/she let you down. When you feel the person you are with does not love you as they should, you better think twice about that relationship. Because if they love you any lesser when you are dating don’t think, they will ever do even if they propose marriage. Love is everything in a relationship: you have love, you have all.Gives you attention and supportIf you are dating someone and they always seem to be busy somewhere or talking always on their phones, just know that he/she is not for you. When someone is 100 per cent in love, they give their loved ones undivided attention. Finds time to be with youWhat a better way than to spend more time with your loved one. The person who has time for you is usually the right person for anyone. You can never be happy in a relationship if the person you are claiming to be in a relationship with is always busy or in a hurry. Common goalsKnow what you are looking for in a man/woman. It is important to share some values with your partner. Common values and similar culture, ability to forgive and be forgiven, ability to be challenged and confronted without defensiveness, desire to raise children etc. Combine your lists, organising them by individual, joint and family goals. Prioritise each area and then the list as a whole, ensuring that you give each person’s respective individual goals equal attention.Every human being who is meant to find love will always find love. Do not be in a hurry to just go with the first person who asks you out; take time to know that person and be patient. Remember, good things come to those who wait.