Spitting in public is disgusting!

PICTURE THIS: you are moving on the clean streets of the city, oblivious of whatever is going on around you. Basically, all you want is to enjoy the fresh air nature can give you at the moment. Then, some human being behind you (or in front of you) clears his throat and spits the collected mucus and saliva just a few metres away from your feet. Disgusting, isn’t it?

Friday, February 22, 2013

PICTURE THIS: you are moving on the clean streets of the city, oblivious of whatever is going on around you. Basically, all you want is to enjoy the fresh air nature can give you at the moment. Then, some human being behind you (or in front of you) clears his throat and spits the collected mucus and saliva just a few metres away from your feet. Disgusting, isn’t it? "Oh God, don’t mention it. I find it very disgusting. There isn’t another word I can use to explain that mannerism,” Chantal echoed my thoughts.  Just the thought of it is very disgusting yet it is worse when one sees someone doing it. It feels like garbage itself because you keep "counting” your steps so that you don’t get to step in some spit.  Actually, the day you witness that, you may fail to eat any meal. One day I had to throw away the gum I had just started chewing, when one man decided that the right thing to do was spit just right in front of me. Do you know how that feels?! Well, it feels like they just opened your mouth and spat right through it and the spit went down your throat. I shudder just at the thought. I have come to hate people who clear their throats in my presence because I never know what would be coming next.  Daniel says it is a lack of respect for oneself and the people around them. He argues that spitting in public tells a lot about the person’s background and upbringing. Otherwise, if one was brought up in a good home with good manners, then one should know that spitting amidst people disrespectful.Imagine on a windy day and this person decides to do their spitting. The spit won’t go where it is directed. The wind will blow it away, may be to the people around. No apologies can ever take away that embarrassment caused. First of all, the person’s cloth will be stained and they will move around the whole day with the mark of which they don’t know how to explain to colleagues. According to Rose, it is not only disgusting but also uncouth to show people one’s saliva. She says saliva should be treated like any other human waste that people don’t show off in public.   "Spitting in public anyhow and anywhere could lead to the spread of diseases like tuberculosis (TB). And as far as I know, tuberculosis has been said to be one of the lead causes of death in the country,” Rose says, adding, "if public spiting is not checked then fighting TB will be a futile effort.”Apart from tuberculosis, there are other airborne diseases that could result from public spitting, like whooping cough. Sometimes we blame God for bringing misfortune on us, yet it is we that bring it on ourselves. Spitting in public is so BC (Before Christ). It has no place in a 21st century society. If pregnant women who have been known for such behaviour are containing themselves, then why not the seemingly "normal” person? Such behaviour takes society backwards.