The ‘frenemy’ saga

I have betted everything from my suspicious virginity to the frozen yogurt in my refrigerator to my pending shopping spree should I ever win a Nakumatt voucher. So now, just take my word for it, there can’t be a soul on the planet that hasn’t had a ‘frenemy’ or two! Today, I focus on the ladies because men are still a mystery.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

I have betted everything from my suspicious virginity to the frozen yogurt in my refrigerator to my pending shopping spree should I ever win a Nakumatt voucher. So now, just take my word for it, there can’t be a soul on the planet that hasn’t had a ‘frenemy’ or two! Today, I focus on the ladies because men are still a mystery. Just so we are on the same page, a frenemy is basically someone who pretends to be a friend, but in truth, is an enemy.                                                                                          These ninjas outshine every villain you ever read about or watched. They will criticise and falsely accuse your loyal boyfriend – claiming they saw him out with some ridiculously hot chicks yet the poor lad was in bed nursing a cold. They mock your cute outfit and brainwash you into wearing something else (possibly the most ludicrous thing in your closet). The relationship feels more like a competition. Over guys. Over clothes. Over pretty much anything. It doesn’t really matter. What matters is that she is winning and you are losing. And she’ll make sure that you know that. And you should be happy for her, shouldn’t you? After all, she’s your friend. And you don’t want to be a sore loser. It doesn’t matter that she had no interest in buying that JLO perfume until she saw it with you.Should you have a nice bag, the wench will go out and sweat to buy an even nicer one – either that or she will borrow it and conveniently leave it near a burning candle!They are master manipulators. They don’t want what’s best for you. They want what’s best for them. But somehow they’ll convince you that what you want is what’s best for them, and what’s best for you. So really, what you want is wrong because theirs is what you really want. You just don’t know it. Confused yet? You should be. They will switch everything around, and have you changing your mind before you even realise it.These @*#%* compliment you while dissing you at the same time. They say stuff like, ‘Geez, that’s a nice dress you are wearing, just lose some weight and it will be perfect!’ Or ‘I think it’s great that you don’t care how you look when you leave the house’ – even when you just glanced in the mirror and felt you looked fine. Every time you are around her, you are in dire need of a self-esteem transplant!If you have such a person in your life, get rid of them now while you still have the energy. Do not wait for them to put you down so hard that it will be impossible for you to get up! I know I did!