Free concert leaves me embarassed

There was this concert at KIST at Rwf 2000 and almost every big artist in the country was going to be there. When I heard of this concert, I remembered my girlfriend is a big fan of Rwandan music and was obviously going to ask me to take her there so I started feigning sickness.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

There was this concert at KIST at Rwf 2000 and almost every big artist in the country was going to be there. When I heard of this concert, I remembered my girlfriend is a big fan of Rwandan music and was obviously going to ask me to take her there so I started feigning sickness. Just as I expected, she came and asked me and I told her I wasn’t feeling well and didn’t think I would be fine by the day of the concert which was three days from then. She just looked at me like why the hell did I date this boring guy? She didn’t know there was more to the story than just being boring. If I allowed, it would cost me Rwf4000. Damn! That’s almost eleven days of lunch. The day finally came and the concert was so on. You should have seen how badly I was doing at this point. A few hours to the concert I was in bed, scared and waiting for my girlfriend to burst in asking me to take her there one last time. I waited and waited. The concert started and only 10 people were inside. The rest were outside enjoying the music. The emcee tried to plead and shout on the microphone, but all in vain. They asked prefects to negotiate with the students to enter, but these kids just wouldn’t part with a coin. Two hours past the start of the concert and only 20 people were inside. These guys couldn’t take it anymore. They reduced the price to Rwf1000 and managed to get 30 people. "Damn, what’s wrong with these kids?” wondered the artists. The price cut rumour got to me when it was down to Rwf 500, but only 50 people were in by then. The organisers almost thought of making it free, but gave it one last shot by reducing the price to Rwf 200, but only got 100 people. Finally, they shouted Rwf 200 a couple of times. And wow even I couldn’t refuse such an offer. Since I had told my girlfriend I was sick, I expected her to be home by then. I quickly rushed to the entrance and paid my coins, holding onto a girl and entered. The show was on fire and just as I started my MJ and break dances, guess who tapped me? My girlfriend! I wanted the ground to open up and swallow me. I started sweating but her look gave me chills. Don’t ask what happened next.