Fishing alone is a lot more fun!

I don’t know about you but there is nothing that puzzles me more than people who think they have my dream man all figured out for me. They probably just want to help and have my best interests at heart.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

I don’t know about you but there is nothing that puzzles me more than people who think they have my dream man all figured out for me. They probably just want to help and have my best interests at heart. However, if that is truly the case then they should know that these weirdos they keep introducing me to are simply not helping the situation. This whole matchmaking thing is getting out of hand. For one, I do not appreciate a man, who at the age of 36, still dreams about getting a tattoo! Grow up already. Also, what kind of man in this day and age thinks that the only way a relationship will work is if he works and I stay at home pushing out one baby after the other (as if my uterus knows no fatigue)?Sometimes, I am unbelievably lazy but make no mistake about it, I like ‘fishing’ on my own - I don’t care how fast a dating friend or relative thinks my clock is ticking. I hate it when I attend weddings and some nosy relative wants to know when I plan on walking down the aisle – or eloping at least (as long as I get hitched) – insisting that if a man is the problem, they can easily hook me up with one! Seriously?One friend almost got deleted from my life when she suggested I visit a matchmaking site! I don’t know about finding love on the internet but I’ve watched way too many creepy movies and read way too many scary stories to ever go looking for my tragic end on the internet!Also, and I think I speak for a number of women, being ‘approached’ is fun. No woman – unless a really desperate one – enjoys having men brought to her…it’s more fun sitting at a bar (or in church if you like) and knocking him off his feet all on your own!As for any woman hopeless enough to try out online dating sites, well, two words for you – PEPPER SPRAY. Don’t ever be tempted to go ‘visit’ him without it. I know sometimes you might need something stronger like a shotgun (should he turn out to be an escaped mental institution patient) but it’s better than not having anything on you at all.You simply can’t trust people online; I don’t care how fast you think you need a man. Go fishing on your own…and by fishing I mean go out, act cool and look hot. Just sit your pretty butt down and let the fish come to you. Of course biology is against some women hence the need to speed things up in order to have a family before their ‘ageing eggs’ take a hike for good. All I’m saying is, you have a better shot at happiness if you go ‘fishing’ yourself than letting others do it for you.