Women’s lib is here…run for cover!

I long for the days when everything was simpler. We didn’t have to worry about global warming, Iraqi insurgents or a random suicide bomber. Those simple days were fantastic. The world was led my mankind. And when I say mankind, I mean men. Yes, those days when a guy went out to work and the woman stayed at home and took care of the family. But those days are gone. Boohoo.

Friday, June 20, 2008

I long for the days when everything was simpler. We didn’t have to worry about global warming, Iraqi insurgents or a random suicide bomber. Those simple days were fantastic.

The world was led my mankind. And when I say mankind, I mean men. Yes, those days when a guy went out to work and the woman stayed at home and took care of the family. But those days are gone. Boohoo.

Well, I guess you’ve all figured me out. I’m a closet male chauvinist (ladies usually add ‘pig’ to this label). I see nothing wrong with the world they way is it…its nice and familiar.

But this whole ‘women’s liberation movement’ is causing the world, as I understand it, to get all topsy-turvy. There we were, the Ugly Munkiz and I, enjoying our traditional Friday night out, when all of us got a rude awakening to what the women’s lib movement had in store for us.

By the way, if you attended the P-Square concert at Petit Stade, throw me a line. A few of the guys attended it and the only thing they could talk about was the abundance of the opposite sex.

One of the guys actually barely saw anything…he was too busy looking for a dark corner to squirrel some lady into and then engage in some ‘bad manners’. Well, it wasn’t to be…I hear that that place was as brightly lit as a hospital emergency room.

Anyway, like I was saying before I temporary went off point, we were having a few drinks as the watched Friday night morph into Saturday morning at Quelque Part (Q-Q-P as we call it) when, as it will happen often, we had the sudden urge to see a crowd of people, for you see, Q-Q-P is not known for the crowds it generates.

Honestly, I think that we weren’t really looking for a crowd…we are looking for a crowd of ladies. Well, our preferred destination was Papyrus in Kimihurura but, and I still don’t understand, the place was deserted.

At 2:30 a.m.! That is a place that usually rocks up to mid morning. Even the waiters looked confused by the events. Well, we consulted our ‘Plan B’ and found out that it was to be H20.

That place is used as a synonym of general happiness and it didn’t disappoint. It was packed and rowdy. I got a bottle of water (I’m off booze, remember?), the boys got beers and we promptly started mixing with the crowd.

Out of the crowd steps this girl…she walks to the President of the Ugly Munkiz…says hello and without preamble starts kissing him…just as he’s starting to react she walks off!

If that wasn’t bad enough, the same lady walks up to the Prime Minister, who was doing rather badly (he’d drunk on an empty belly), said some stuff to him…. and promptly kissed him as well!

After she was through, she left him a bottle of Heineken as a bribe to shut him up! The worst thing is that none of us can remember her name or even what she looked like.

Goodness, girls are becoming shameless. I mean, those shady moves used to be our sole domain as men. But it seems that nothing is sacred anymore. What will women do next? Get us pregnant?

Contact: madogz2002@yahoo.ca