Getting a promotion is as easy as…

The most important element of anyone’s career is to keep progressing professionally. This though is influenced by two key factors; developing your skills continuously and defining your personal goals. These will ensure that you are promoted and maintain that upward movement in your career.

Monday, February 18, 2013
Lewis Ndichu

The most important element of anyone’s career is to keep progressing professionally. This though is influenced by two key factors; developing your skills continuously and defining your personal goals. These will ensure that you are promoted and maintain that upward movement in your career. Hereunder are some tips to help you achieve a frustration-free journey up the career ladder:Importance of image: Many people find themselves in a career rut because they operate under the misconception that hard work and loyalty are the primary routes to promotion. Although these qualities are significant in the equation, they will count for little if they are noticed by your supervisor. Therefore, if you want to be promoted, you need to consider other issues like professional image to achieve your goal.Work out a strategy that focuses on getting yourself noticed. However, this should be done subtlety and does not necessarily mean that you turn into a bootlicker, which could alienate you from colleagues. It is also important to look the part, so dress smartly in line with the company’s culture. How your boss perceives you will have an impact on how they measure your performance. Remember, a smart image gives you an edge over your opposites, attracting attention to your performance and skills. If your work impacts on the boss positively, you will be in position to entrench yourself and become dispensable to them and the company.Have daily targets: Plan for each day before you start your daily routine. Have short goals that will always remind you of the fixed targets to attain by the close of business that day. At the end of the work day, evaluate yourself and check whether you have completed all your planned duties. Also, it is wise to have your company’s vision, goals and objectives at your workstation. Keep on reading them in such way to sort of ‘own’ them. This will keep you motivated, knowing that you have a bigger target awaiting you ahead. Be pro-active in your work practices: Look for specific work that is beneficial to the company and enroll for courses that will help you accomplish the roles. Show enthusiasm for your job in your day-to-day actions; arrive early to plan for the day’s work and avoid rushing from office the moment the clock strikes ‘close day’. If possible, take on extra responsibility, but ensure that you perform highly at it. Otherwise, the move would be counter-productive. Feedback: Try to get feedback regularly and always fixed meetings with your supervisor to assess your performance and progress. Ensure you are prepared for appraisals or more formal meeting with the boss by recording everything you do that has an effect on the company’s goal.This will help you to confidently discuss your performance with your employer with tangible supporting evidence.  Monitor the influence you have on the actions that make or save money, no matter how small they may be.The ability to secure a promotion rests largely on your employers needs, but it can be influenced by how they perceive you. Self-promotion is the key to your career success. If you follow these steps, you will have put you in the ‘shop window’ as far as promotion is concerned.