Job seekers to acquire skills

Many a job-seeker has sat for tens of interviews with no job to show for it. Other jobless people dread the day they are invited for an interview, fearing how they would face the interview panel.

Monday, February 18, 2013

Many a job-seeker has sat for tens of interviews with no job to show for it. Other jobless people dread the day they are invited for an interview, fearing how they would face the interview panel.All this could change with new initiatives to train and help job-seekers acquire interview skills that can, not only enable them bag that dream job, but also perform on top form to retain it and grow career wise overtime.Vincent Kimani, a consultant Ruma Consult, a human resource recruiting firm, noted that the training would help mentor job-seekers to master the job market requirements and how to present themselves during interviews.He added that the training which will start next month targets both the older jobless people and the younger job-seekers."There is a lot of competition for jobs…the older job-seekers are often at a disadvantage as they are competing with the highly-qualified young adults for the same jobs,” Kimani said.He advises the older job-seekers to capitalise on their experience and be more aggressive in the job market by acquainting themselves with IT and market-relevant skills. Rwanda’s job market is becoming cutthroat daily, thanks to the growing trend of labour mobility in the East African Community.Various skilled personnel from the neighbouring countries are coming to Rwanda and also compete for the same jobs as Rwandans. To be on top of the recruiters list, experts advise job-seekers to step up their game and acquire relevant skills, besides being flexible.