PERSONAL FINANCE : Use money to make more money

Money is called liquid because you cannot hold it in your hands for some good time. This is common in our society. When people get money, they look for many ways on how to “get rid” of it. They scratch their heads, searching for ways to invest it.

Monday, February 18, 2013

Money is called liquid because you cannot hold it in your hands for some good time. This is common in our society. When people get money, they look for many ways on how to "get rid” of it. They scratch their heads, searching for ways to invest it.In fact, it is always advisable to invest your money in something that can help you make more money. Exchange your money into tangible and value appreciating things.Is money a thing? Money is not a thing. Money is not like a needle that you are going to go somewhere in a geographical area and search for it. The right question is: "What can I offer in exchange for money?”Look at people with big companies, they have many offers in the marketplace at anytime. You have to give them money and make them rich because they are offering something. Therefore, use your innovation to give birth to a great idea which you can transform into a money-machine.