Aviation infrastructure a priority–PM

The Prime Minister Pierre Habumuremyi has said that air transport was amongthe government priorities in the infrastructure sector.

Saturday, February 16, 2013

The Prime Minister Pierre Habumuremyi has said that air transport was amongthe government priorities in the infrastructure sector.He made the remark on Friday while speaking during the government’s Accountability Day where other sectors were also highlighted as part of the priority areas.  The event was aired live on the national radio and the TV.The premier said that two airports, one in Huye and the other in Kamembe will be rehabilitated.At the forum, Habumuremyi highlighted other sectors such as mining, agriculture, health education and ICT. He said Bugesera airport once is in place, will boost the country’s economy while promoting international relations.

Apart from the airports, Habumuremyi said:  "the government will complete the construction of hydro power plants which are under construction, modernize cities countrywide and mobilise people to join cooperatives in their respective areas.Oil exploration is underway in Lake Kivu and the extradition law and policy will be implemented.The PM called upon the private sector to invest more in the industrial development and that the government was ready to provide land.  "We will strengthen laws regarding mining and carry out studies to find other potential mineral rich areas in the country,” Habumuremyi said."The government will increase the area to be cultivated, use of mechanized agriculture, irrigation systems and we will mobilize to take care of agriculture production,” said Habumuremyi"The campaign to sensitize Rwandans to fight against HIV/AIDS and its prevention, the use of ICT will be enhanced in the country this year.”AchievementsWhile presenting the last year’s achievements, the premier said that despite the challenges of aid cut, Rwandans have never been discouraged and there has not been any impact.Regarding good governance, Habumuremyi said that over 2,545 local leaders were trained about good governance and service delivery. "Good governance month and the youth national services for over 40,000 were also launched,” he added.  He stated that the government is going to promote hygiene and legal marriages.In Justice sector, over 5,450 delayed cases were handled in various courts and over 237 genocide survivors regained their land. Habumuremyi noted: "The report of the misuse of the genocide survivors fund (FARG) money is soon to be released and those involved will be punished.In economy over 4,880 families were given cows and over 140,900 cows have been given out since the Girinka programme was launched.According to Protais Musoni the Minister of Cabinet Affairs the government will soon have a ladder to detect weather. In economy more than 477 projects were submitted in various banks to be supported and over 270 SACCOS were given technical skills and the investment raised to Rwf246billion.

"In Health three new hospitals were built and King Faisal was upgraded to international level,” the Premier said. He explained that the government enhanced education sector where over 1700 classes were built and technical schools were strengthened.