Traders urged to form business forum

EASTERN PROVINCE NYAGATARE — Anselme Majoro Rurangwa, the Nyagatare vice Mayor in charge of economic development has urged the business community in Nyagatare to form a business forum.

Friday, June 20, 2008


NYAGATARE — Anselme Majoro Rurangwa, the Nyagatare vice Mayor in charge of economic development has urged the business community in Nyagatare to form a business forum.

The forum would enhance their businesses.
Speaking at meeting with the business community on Thursday, Rurangwa  called upon the traders to join hands and set up mega whole sale trading outlets in Nyagatare where residents and other business people from other districts can purchase goods than ‘wasting their money and time to secure the goods in Kigali’

"The district has enough land to give to every person or companies that want to invest in the district, it’s upon you now to decide on this project and ask for the land,” Rurangwa said.

He urged the businessmen to utilize their proximity to neighboring countries to buy commodities and stock them in order to attract traders from Kigali who get goods from Kampala.

"Nyagatare district borders with Uganda and Tanzania, why don’t you use this chance and shop from there through right channels and stock your commodities in Nyagatare,” he said.

"I am sure after setting up modern trading outlets in Nyagatare and fill them with required commodities; people from Kigali and other districts will not bypass you and go to Kampala. So think about that if you want to develop your businesses and entire district.”

The meeting held at Nyagatare Nursing School was organized by the Private Sector Federation (PSF). It was meant to discuss problems faced by traders in the district.

During the meeting, members identified lack of adequate markets and low prices for their commodities as some of the serious challenges hindering their businesses.
