Renovate or vacate town, residents told

WESTERN PROVINCE RUBAVU— Residents living in dilapidated houses in Gisenyi town have been given a month to renovate or leave their homes.

Friday, June 20, 2008


RUBAVU— Residents living in dilapidated houses in Gisenyi town have been given a month to renovate or leave their homes.

The July 31 ultimatum was issued by the district Mayor Celestine Twagirayezu. His decision means that about 40 old and poorly constructed houses in town will be razed if not renovated by the set date.

According to authorities the decision is intended to give the town a ‘tourist hub’ status and a new face lift.

Addressing the affected residents and other district officials at Gisenyi Cultural Centre earlier this week, Twagirayezu explained that authorities had given the residents enough time to renovate their buildings but they were yet to do it.

"We expect no complaints because they have been given enough time. This was a decision that was taken in March 2007. We are now in June 2008.

The district authority set July 31 as the deadline beyond which the district will take action because we think that was enough time,” explained Twagirayezu.

"House owners have no reason to worry. Much as we are fighting to modernize the town, we do not expect every one to build mansions, they could be simple but standard houses fit to be in the new town urbanization plan,” he added. 

Twagirayezu explained that the district displayed the kind of models of modern and affordable commercial houses to residents which should be constructed.

"We have shown them the types of commercial houses which can be constructed at a cost of about Frw15m.

Some banks are willing to give out loans to the interested parties. These loans will be easily paid because we currently have many businessmen looking for commercial houses to rent,” he said.

However, the affected residents said much as the policy was welcomed, they were not given enough time to get the necessary funds to renovate the houses.

The mayor however, said that the district will not destroy houses which will still be under rehabilitation after the deadline.

Bankers from Rwanda Commercial Bank (BCR), BANCOR and Bank de Kigali (BK) were also present at the meeting promising to give loans to willing house owners to facilitate their renovations.

Meanwhile, during the same meeting, Emanuel Manzimpaka, the Gisenyi sector coordinator cautioned shop owners who allow vendors to sell their commodities from shop verandahs.
