Sex matters in a relationship

I RECEIVED A MAIL recently where a married man was complaining that his wife’s libido is almost zero. These are people who have lived together for 23 years, so I was not surprised. But guess what? Sex is not water that if you don’t drink it, you risk dying.

Friday, February 15, 2013

I RECEIVED A MAIL recently where a married man was complaining that his wife’s libido is almost zero. These are people who have lived together for 23 years, so I was not surprised. But guess what? Sex is not water that if you don’t drink it, you risk dying.In matters of sex, men and women operate differently. While most men are sexually active for a longer period, it is the reverse for most women. It is a lucky and unusual couple who, decades into a marriage, still feel the same passion for each other that ignited their early relationship.There are many things to consider when you feel your partner is not matching up in bed matters. For one after getting children, most women are overwhelmed by the responsibilities of taking care of a family. The situation can be worse if she is a career woman. Responsibilities start immediately a child is conceived. A woman has to take care of herself and at the same time worry about her unborn child. Once the child is born, there are small details that the mother has to take care of, and can be overwhelming. Then children start going to school, then there are sicknesses to be taken care of; and it is usually the mother who is left with the burden. All these responsibilities can be overwhelming to some women that slowly by slowly they lose interest in sex.There is also the age factor. You should know that when a couple has just started dating, everything feels new and fresh, and that also carries over into the bedroom. In the beginning, men and women often find they cannot keep their hands off each other and would rather engage in sexual activities than have meaningful conversations. But of course this comes with age. A human being was created to be very energetic and bubbly when they are young and in love. After spending months, years or even decades together, this excitement is bound to fade as the fire burns down. Not because people have fallen out of love, but it comes with age.When people start ageing sex usually becomes the least of their problems. At this age some people are still worried about the education of their children, investments and even their health. Ageing comes with so many other things. When this happens, just know that it is not the end of the world; it is just the way things are. For these reasons, it is so important to marry someone you really love, trust and feel emotionally connected to. As you get older, you enjoy their company, because at that time it is companionship that most people seek other than just sex.