What’s with the zombie makeup Cherie?

People in the makeup field must be making some serious money. I say this because the manner in which chicks are applying it is quite shocking.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

People in the makeup field must be making some serious money. I say this because the manner in which chicks are applying it is quite shocking. I know it is none of my business how much makeup they apply, but you see, when we cross paths and my eyes get traumatised with that sight, it becomes my business. So, let’s talk…what’s with the creepy makeup?On a night out last week, I headed to the ladies and what I can only assume was a crossbreed of a woman and a child walked past me and left me wondering if it was Halloween in Rwanda! Other than the fact that her ‘weirdly wrinkled’ face didn’t match her petite body, she had done away with her eyebrows and opted for a thick maroon eye pencil line instead. Then she must have used up a whole bottle of white skin powder or bathed in it because she looked like she had just come straight off the set of The Vampire Diaries – only not as sexy. Try Casper, the bizarre ghost! To top it off, I wasn’t sure if her lips were bleeding or she simply piled them with layers of lipstick. Goodness! If I was not so terrified of her I probably would have brought her back to the ladies and put some civilisation back in her face.I know outer beauty is a trick sometimes, but this is Rwanda…I seldom bump into ‘trolls’. This ‘woman-child’ could have been pretty, but with that Addams Family mix going on in her face; it was really hard to tell.I suspect she lives alone and owns no mirror. I know chicks are mean (there are some that would intentionally let you leave the house looking like a huge problem) but this girl… I refuse to believe that anyone can be so mean as to let her walk out of the house with those zombie bride looks.Getting dolled up is fun but we don’t necessarily have to look like dolls ourselves or in this case dead dolls! That ‘no eyebrows but thick line instead’ thing is simply retarded…I don’t care how pretty you are. God wasn’t half asleep when He created us with eyebrows so let us not try to think we are smarter by shaving them all off. Let’s put the ‘C’ back in ‘Class’ and use makeup the way it is meant to be used – elegantly!