Accept who you are

There is this beauty in my class that I have been crushing on like forever. So, I was late for class and rushed to the back before the lecturer could see me. If I had such luck every time I came late, I would probably never be bothered with when the lesson starts. So anyway, guess what? She was right at the back and there was only one seat left and it was next to her.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

There is this beauty in my class that I have been crushing on like forever. So, I was late for class and rushed to the back before the lecturer could see me. If I had such luck every time I came late, I would probably never be bothered with when the lesson starts. So anyway, guess what? She was right at the back and there was only one seat left and it was next to her. I almost felt like running to the seat before anyone walked in and took it. Since the lecturer was teaching in Kinyarwanda, we were not interested in listening. Just imagine teaching modules in Kinyarwanda and those other words that have no Kinyarwanda version. But the Kinyarwanda lecture actually came in handy as she invited me for lunch at some place called "Guest House” – a place not quite in the same league as the ones I normally go to. At shrink I pay RWF 350 and at "Guest House” I hear they pay RWF 3,500. Hell No! I wasn’t ready to splash my ten days worth of lunch on one occasion so I excused myself by saying I forgot my ATM card at home and was going for lunch with my mum – an excuse I always use.She then asked if she could come to my room in the evening for an hour or two. I got a brief mind flash of my room - just a single room with no bed, a mattress, one cup and plate and nothing else!I couldn’t let her in; so I texted my friend and asked him for his nice looking room and yes, he gave it to me. I rushed there before her and made it look even better. She came in and after like 30 minutes she asked me why I had some guy’s picture hanging on my wall. I had forgotten to remove it and it was too high. Next she asked about the series I had. They were all girly (as my friend’s girlfriend was always around); she asked me why I lied to her about my taste in movies. The questions kept coming, and it was getting harder to lie. The last one nailed it. She went into the washroom and found boxers that were supposed to be mine (of course as this was my house and I have no roommate), but guess what? This friend of mine is so fat, as in really really fat. After seeing this, she just walked into the living room and said "you’re weird” and hurried out the door.