Career? You need a life too!

I believe I’m one of the strongest preachers of women empowerment so much so that I have been branded sexist on some occasions.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

I believe I’m one of the strongest preachers of women empowerment so much so that I have been branded sexist on some occasions. But my sisters, I strongly believe we can build our careers, and also have an amazing life. I pray no woman should put a hold to their life just because they are building a career. At some point in your life, you will stop working, but that does not mean it’s the end of the world. Have you ever thought of what kind of life you will want to live after you reach the retirement age? Trust me no matter how hard you work; there will reach a point where you will have to stop. The question is, what kind of life will you live?There are three main fulfillments in life that everyone deserves to enjoy. These are also considered the treasures of this world. The first treasure is being healthy. When you are sick you can’t even work to build that career you love. Therefore my sisters, always practice a healthy lifestyle. The second treasure in life is having friends. I don’t mean having a million friends; have friends that will stand by you in joyous times and in hardships. There is a common English saying that making a million friends is not a miracle, the miracle is to make friends that will stand by you when a million are against you.But the greatest treasure of all is family. I have seen several accomplished women (career wise) who have successful marriages and great families. However, some women of the 21st century are busy building their careers and sacrificing one of the most fulfilling achievements in life and that is creating a family. I came across an article by Antonia Hoyle ‘The women who think they’re too clever to have babies’ published in the Daily Mail and I was shocked at some of the comments women gave in regards to starting a family of their own. The 34-year-old Louise Vesey said, "I’ve never felt maternal and can’t think of anything worse than having children,” she says. "I want to do clever things and reach my full potential. A child would get in my way.” She further said, "You can be too intelligent to have children” she says. "To reach your full intellectual potential you need to be childless. If you are a thinking woman it’s more sensible not to become a parent.”I‘m not judging anyone here, but while reading this article, I felt like my womanhood was being taunted. I would not wish for any woman to think this way. You can build your career, have a family and fullfilled. many women have done it and many more are still becoming successful mothers and achievers. What is the essence of having all the money in the world when you don’t have people to spend it with?