Cavendish cruises to Tour of Qatar win

DOHA - Mark Cavendish sprinted to his fourth successive stage win at the Tour of Qatar to wrap up overall victory.

Saturday, February 09, 2013
Mark Cavendish.

DOHA - Mark Cavendish sprinted to his fourth successive stage win at the Tour of Qatar to wrap up overall victory.The Manxman took the 116km final stage ahead of Belarus’ Yauheni Hutarovich and Barry Markus of the Netherlands.Omega Pharma-QuickStep rider Cavendish, 27, overcame a crash after just 15km as the peloton waited for him to catch up."Amazing to have a race full of real gentlemen today, who neutralised a close race so I could rejoin the group after crashing,” tweeted Cavendish. The win is Cavendish’s second general classification triumph, after winning the Ster ZLM Toer in the Netherlands last year.He finished ahead of BMC Racing’s American duo Brent Bookwalter and Taylor Phinney in the final standings. Fellow Briton Adam Blyth, also a BMC rider, finished fourth overall.Agencies