I hate people who...

…see nothing wrong with parking their cars on pavements. I have noticed that the number of cars around Kigali have increased lately but so have the levels of stupidity.

Saturday, February 09, 2013

…see nothing wrong with parking their cars on pavements. I have noticed that the number of cars around Kigali have increased lately but so have the levels of stupidity. I have noticed that people are squeezing their cars in all sorts of weird places. The other day I saw a small brained chap trying to squeeze his Vitz at the reception area of his workplace. And what is this business of people now parking on pavements? I thought we had agreed that that space is for rich people like me who prefer to walk so as to keep our weight down? Where do they expect us to walk from then? So how do these people get driving licenses when they do not even have brains? …mend their relationships only in time for Valentine’s Day. It is that time of the year when people pretend that colours and flowers mean so much. I am talking about Valentine’s Day. Now that it is around the corner, long lost friends have started making those annoying calls where the message is "I was just checking on you” Yeah checking on me like you are some security guard? These jokers just want to be in good books with you so that on 14th you participate in environmental degradation by buying flowers and dressing in red and walking around like that Traffic light we all hate. If you love someone it should not be an event for one day but every day. …fidget with cutlery they are not used to while in a restaurant. I am amazed at how some people can combine hunger and stupidity. This is indeed a rare talent that ought to be studied. The other day I saw this part time thinker struggling to eat a piece of chicken with a fork and knife. Within no time some of the soup had relocated from the plate to his white shirt. I refused to feel sorry for him because I wondered why he was using the fork and knife to eat the chicken yet we could all tell he was not used to this. I kept wondering why he had not just washed his hands and given the food a ‘rural approach.’ After all whether you eat with your hands or cutlery the price remains the same. Could not fail to hate on this hungry but foolish fellow. …think they can fool us into thinking they are intelligent or funny. There are some people I always see posting quotations and funny lines on Twitter and Facebook after picking them from elsewhere and not even bothering to attribute them. Yes we see you are trying to fool us that you are funny or intelligent. What you forget is that you are setting a very high standard for yourself that will shock people who meet you to find that you are so foolish and boring. You even forget that these lines have been shared by so many others and so even in Facebook or Twitter you are still not funny. You are just someone I am paid to hate. …deceive clients that their facilities have DSTv in every room. Sometimes you go to a hotel hoping to enjoy all the good services they advertise only to leave in disappointment. I cannot for example spare the jokers who love to brag about how their hotel rooms have DSTv services in each room. Once you are therefore you are shocked to find that you can only view one channel and it even changes based on what one person wants. In other words, they just have one decoder connected to several television sets. I know this happens in the cheap hotels but yes I still have to hate them before I get the money to pay at the Serena. Let me help you hate by sending your suggestions to thehater2009@gmail.com or a text message to +250 788 545293The Hater