Valentine’s? No, thank you!

VALENTINE’S IS A DAY to express your feelings toward the one you like/love. That’s what I used to think. As I grew older, I realized, instead, that this day is nothing but depression.

Saturday, February 09, 2013
Moses Opobo

VALENTINE’S IS A DAY to express your feelings toward the one you like/love. That’s what I used to think. As I grew older, I realized, instead, that this day is nothing but depression. For me, it’s just another day, only more complicated. I try to express my feelings to certain girls all the time and it works, until Valentines Day shows up. Then I’m just a nobody again!The reason I hate Valentines Day with all my strength is because, one, I have never received anything since elementary school. Two, it makes me feel unwanted, and three, it makes me stick out because I’m single.This is the only holiday I know that doesn’t have a believable character. Christmas has Santa Claus, Easter has the Easter Bunny, Thanksgiving is Turkey, while Halloween at least has witches and ghosts. What about Valentine’s?It just has a little boy or man that shoots people with arrows to make them fall in love. Who on earth is supposed to believe that? I mean, don’t you think if you got struck in the butt with an arrow it would hurt? I think so. What does the little guy represent anyway? Is he an Archer, hunter, or poacher? What kind of character is that?And then there are the flowers! Dead plant carcasses that we torture for a week or so while they try to cling on to life in some vase that we condemned them to as we watch them wither up and die slowly.Some people even have to move out of their rooms and sleep in the corridor because they received so many flowers and now they have to wait until they all die! I think sending a simple card is the way to go. "Dear Jane, Congratulations! You made it to another Valentine’s Day and you are still alone. Hope you don’t kill yourself by this time next year! Love, Moses.” Simple, neat, nice and honest. Above all, it shows good common courtesy and lets the person know you care about them enough to lick a nasty tasting stamp and send something pointless to them.cWell guess what? This time this year you are still living in denial about the past. Get over it!