Burundi, too, has comparative advantages

Editor,THIS IS a reaction to Kagenza Sakufi-Rumongi’s article, “The East African Community: What we can learn from each other”, (The New Times, February 6, 2013).

Friday, February 08, 2013

Editor,THIS IS a reaction to Kagenza Sakufi-Rumongi’s article, "The East African Community: What we can learn from each other”, (The New Times, February 6, 2013).Dear Mr Rumongi, it was nice reading your article and see how different we are but yet complimentary to each other in the East African Community (EAC). I am from Burundi and had the opportunity to work and travel extensively in EAC over the past five years. I agree with you on some of your standpoints, but felt that my country was not mirrored evenly in your article. The beauty of our capital and the lake are without any doubt some of our comparative advantages, maybe leveraging your article on the fact that our country over the past ten years has made tremendous efforts towards peace and stability needed to be heighted. A nation putting on the agenda and thriving for appreciation through our differences and diversity as well as power sharing, these are some of the best things we can share with other nations. I enjoyed your article and shared this with others and look forward to reading more of your articles in the future.Carmen Nibigira, Clemson University, USA