PwC contributes to Agaciro

PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC)  Rwanda yesterday boosted the Agaciro Development Fund with Rwf 3.225m.

Friday, February 08, 2013
Mukeshimana (L) receives a dummy cheque from PwCu2019s Bernice Kimacia yesterday. The New Times/John Mbanda.

PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC)  Rwanda yesterday boosted the Agaciro Development Fund with Rwf 3.225m.The money was handed over to the Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning.The in charge of cooperate social responsibility in PwC, Betty Sayinzoga, said it was part of their commitment to contribute to the economic development of country."We contributed as a team and it is just a beginning,” said Sayinzoga.The over 50 employees contributed towards the Fund.Marcel Mukeshimana, the acting Deputy Accountant General in charge of accounting and reporting in the Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning, appreciated the commitment of the staff and urged them to keep advocating so that other organisations can contribute too.So far over Rwf26 billion has been contributed to the fund, according to Fidele Ngerero, who leads the committee in-charge of Agaciro Development Fund.About Rwf 1 billion has been contributed from Diaspora, while Rwf5 million has been contributed via phones by sending SMSs. Mukeshimana appealed to individuals and institutions to honour their pledges.PricewaterhouseCoopers (trading as PwC) is a multinational professional services firm headquartered in London, United Kingdom. Officially launched on August 23, 2012, the Agaciro Development Fund is a solidarity fund designed to improve the financial autonomy of Rwanda