Enough with this “summer” hogwash

I was impatiently waiting for this day to come so I could write this article and expose the shenanigans that the locals together with the ‘summers’ are up to.

Thursday, February 07, 2013
Alindau2019s Mania

I was impatiently waiting for this day to come so I could write this article and expose the shenanigans that the locals together with the ‘summers’ are up to.I recently witnessed an encounter between a so called "summer” and a local who thought he could extort money from this poor soul.Before I unleash fire on this hopeless fellow that conveniently thought all people that live in "outside countries” have money to spend on useless characters like him, let me make it clear that I have a problem with the "summers” who think they can come and fool us - splashing big notes in the first week of their arrival and going totally broke in the second week. I have a bad habit of going a head of myself—let me retrace my steps back—as usual I’m out with my girlfriends.There is a table right behind us and there is one particular dude dressed in the definition of a "mu summer”— shinny chains, sagging pants and a cap facing sideways—his heavy accent cannot be placed—it is neither British nor American.I later learn he was deported from the United Kingdom after four months— do not ask how he got the accent— I also don’t know.After all I also get this posh accent when I meet important people—difference is I forget halfway through the conversation and switch back to the unposh Kinyankole accent. Moving on, he is seated with a frail looking man who was ordering for one thing after another— at some point he asked for stuff in a language that was difficult to comprehend—not even Google could translate that crap.Like a bee, the "summer” is attracted to my friend’s perfume—comes to find out what it is—offers us a drink—showing off like all summers do—bill arrives, the total was enough to buy Gisenyi.That old trick of excusing oneself like they have received a phone call comes in handy, but the frail looking guy was steady and so was I.There is no way in the world I was going to wash the dishes of that restaurant—obviously we did not have enough money to cover both his bill and ours.To cut the story short, we caught the summer trying to summersault through the washroom windows and brought him back—guess what happened next!