A milieu of evil smells

Imagine bathing in this hot sun- God forbid if it is only in Kigali that I feel lackadaisically flattened to my knees. This heat wave is particularly devastating for hot girls like me. (Before you tsk-tsk to that, I must urge you, do not hate!)

Thursday, February 07, 2013

Imagine bathing in this hot sun- God forbid if it is only in Kigali that I feel lackadaisically flattened to my knees. This heat wave is particularly devastating for hot girls like me. (Before you tsk-tsk to that, I must urge you, do not hate!)The second you walk out, beauty becomes history, you should see the state of my face these days, I need a spa. This heat wave knows no friends. It assaults you, slaps, kicks and generally shatters your demeanor like an angry riot policeman! Despite all that, one has to keep walking with Grade A. abuse like that!  I for that matter do not blame the wet backs of shirts as people hurry to even a nearby destination. I am ashamed to admit that I may be among those wetbacks. The sweaty glow girls acquire despite continued efforts to combat it, I do not blame also. The sun looks down on us humans with contempt in its eyes and literally fights our efforts to look good for the rest of human kind. Personally, I think the sun does a favour for the guys in Kigali, if a girl stays beautiful in this weather. Despite the sweaty armpits and the shiny faces, marry her, she is a true beauty!What I have a big problem with though are the body odors that prevail during the magic hours of Midday to 3:00 pm. Holy cow! One might think that Kigali is hosting a skunk convention. Please do not take offence because the smells are inevitable but I will not hide that I detest them, gross odors that they are. Holy cow, the smells that dominate the afternoon are scary in their intensity. Zoe and I take a walk to Shokola, a café in the vicinity with Ivan. We want to treat ourselves to Avocado Salsa which has become a favourite delicacy for lunch breaks. It is light and scrumptious and healthy. Anyway, as Ivan has eyes only for Zoe, I decide to look around and see if I can spot any hot guys and I do. Three!  They notice me staring and one of them, the hottest one, stands and walks up to me.Before he can speak I am assailed by the foulest smelling sweat since Stone Age. (come on, I know those dudes smelled worse than this guy. Although that matter is arguable, it was that bad!) I lean back and look up at him and trust me, all the original attraction I felt for him has disappeared. I simply do not want to ever see him again because this guy has subjected me to olfactory trauma. No kidding!So, we soon leave the venue, because I have lost my appetite and I am grumpy (Yes, it was that bad!) but I must urge you, fellow Kigali residents, shower thrice a day now until the day the skies will open and release blessed torrents of rain. We need peace of mind!Until next week, stay safe and again, Shower!