Script writing workshop concludes

The Goethe Institut three day workshop that hosted about forty young film makers and beginners ended on Wednesday. The script training that started on the 4th of January was led by Joel Karekezi, a multiple award winning director, writer and producer.

Thursday, February 07, 2013

The Goethe Institut three day workshop that hosted about forty young film makers and beginners ended on Wednesday. The script training that started on the 4th of January was led by Joel Karekezi, a multiple award winning director, writer and producer.Dr Peter Stepan, the director of the Goethe Institut says his workshop aimed at enhancing the skills of Rwandan scriptwriters by strengthening their ability to make professional films."One of the key requirements for film directors is the ability to pitch projects. At the end of the workshop, writers will be able to tell their story visually,” he says. Dr Stepan adds that he is excited about how the workshop progressed and was awed by the gender balance. The workshop had various programs, some done in groups and others on an individual basis. Tahirih , one of the film makers who attended the workshop, says she was exposed to better script writing skills and film making in general."Each group had to write and present a script, but we learnt a lot more, like professional script writing, film location, script transformation and so much more,” she says. The workshop ended with each group making the best of the three days workshop – all working towards improving the state of film in Rwanda.