School inspector calls for quality education

EASTERN PROVINCE NYAGATARE — Narcisse Musabyeyezu, the Inspector General of Schools has urged all Nyagatare district Head Teachers to focus on quality education.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008


NYAGATARE — Narcisse Musabyeyezu, the Inspector General of Schools has urged all Nyagatare district Head Teachers to focus on quality education.

Musabyeyezu made this call during a half day meeting at Nyagatare Nursing School main hall on Monday. The call was directed towards primary and secondary Head teachers.

Musabyeyezu told The New Times that the aim of the meeting was to discuss schools management, accountability of finances given by the government, development plans for schools and teaching skills in the respective schools.

"When there is no supervision in schools every person does his or her own things like dodging classes, escaping from schools and many other funny things. Genocide ideologies cases identified in some schools have been as result of lack of supervision from teachers and head teachers”, he said.

"There are cases where genocide ideologies have been identified among teachers and students when their head teachers are not a ware of what is going on in their schools”, he added.

He observed that lack of supervision has also led to poor performance of many schools in the country. He urged head teachers to use finances given by the government effectively.

Pascal Habukize, Eastern Province Inspector of Schools hailed his boss saying he has set laws for improving standards and quality of education in Rwanda.
