Nine-year-old girl gives birth in Mexico

JALISCO — A nine-year-old girl has given birth to a baby daughter and police are looking for the alleged father, a 17-year-old.

Thursday, February 07, 2013

JALISCO — A nine-year-old girl has given birth to a baby daughter and police are looking for the alleged father, a 17-year-old.The unnamed girl gave birth to a healthy baby daughter, who weighed in at just under six pounds, last month at Zoquipan Hospital.Police are now hunting the 17-year-old father who is thought to be on the run.Mr Gonzalez said the girl’s family alerted authorities after she gave birth and the alleged father has not been seen since in the neighbourhood they both live in.The mother of the girl reportedly told local officials: ‘The girl was just over eight when she got pregnant. The father is a boy who is 17, but we have not found him, since he ran away.’He says that if the teenager’s paternity is proved he could face child sex abuse charges.Mr Gonzalez says the girl told authorities the teenager was her boyfriend. According to local media reports the new mother and daughter were released from hospital this weekend, following the birth on January 27th - but the hospital said it would have to do extensive follow-up due to the new mother’s age.