Teachers trained on human rights issues

EASTERN PROVINCE RWAMAGANA — Teachers from the Eastern Province have been undergoing training in human rights. The knowledge received in the two day training will be passed on to their students. 

Wednesday, June 18, 2008


RWAMAGANA — Teachers from the Eastern Province have been undergoing training in human rights. The knowledge received in the two day training will be passed on to their students. 

The training took place at AVEGA centre in Rwamagana over the weekend. It was conducted by Rwanda’s Human Rights commission (RHRC).

In an interview with The New Times, Hope Tumukunde, who coordinated the training, said the training targeted teachers who teach Political Sciences in secondary schools of Kayonza, Rwamagana and Bugesera.

She revealed that trainees were taken through the declaration of human rights and the importance of the human rights.  Other lessons included the rights of children, issues concerning Rwandan inheritance and marriage laws.

While enlightening the trainees on the rights of children, Dieudonnee Kalinganire urged participants to note that their children are the future custodians and that they deserved the right to proper upbringing.

The training was organized by RHRC in partnership with the Ministry of Education. It was sponsored by the Swedish Cooperation.
