One Dollar project: Contractor should complete it forthwith

Editor, This is in response to the article, “Why the One Dollar project stalled,” (The New Times, February 6,).

Wednesday, February 06, 2013
The stalled One Dollar compaign complex that is supposed to house genocide survivors; It has stalled due to alleged wrangles between contractors. The New Times / File.

Editor,This is in response to the article, "Why the One Dollar project stalled,” (The New Times, February 6,). Frankly, those of us who are looking on couldn’t care a hoot about who is right or wrong in this unedifying wrangle. What we want is the project completed without any further delay and being used for the purpose for which we made our contributions: a residence for surviving Genocide students. Don’t give us excuses for any further delays. This project should have been completed. Won’t authorities please whip all these people into line and make them stop frittering away the proceeds of Rwandans’ generosity to fellow Rwandans? More than money, what these people are doing will erode Rwandans’ natural inclination to respond positively to collective calls for solidarity with their more needy compatriots. And for this (One Dollar project), the managers of this project should not be forgiven. Mwene Kalinda