Why you need to tame your sweet tooth.

Younger ladies love sweet things, our mothers and grannies however probably realised that they need to watch their health.

Wednesday, February 06, 2013

Younger ladies love sweet things, our mothers and grannies however probably realised that they need to watch their health.Many of us are guilty of the obsession for chocolate, ice-cream, cake, cookies, candy and all those sweet delicacies.However, the sweet tooth most women possess could lead to bitter health consequences that might even show up late in life.Indulging in a bowl of strawberry or chocolate ice cream might seem fun but your health in the long run, won’t smile back at you but rather frown. A little consumption of these sweet cravings may not be as dangerous but if it becomes an addiction and obsession then it calls for worry.First of all, sugar has no nutrients and has the ability to instead deplete the body of most of the essential minerals and vitamins needed by the body according to Gerald Ruzindana, a Nutritionist with Amazon Nutrition Centre, Remera."Indulging in food stuffs with artificial sugars like ice cream, chocolate, soda and the likes only increases your chances of being obese and suffering from diseases such as diabetes among others. In order to suppress the urge  for sweet cravings, try foods with natural sugars such as fruit,” he said.Ruzindana also noted that once in a while one can give themselves a cake and ice cream treat it shouldn’t become an addiction.He noted that sweet stuff like yogurt aren’t as bad since yogurt has vitamins, calcium and most of it has few calories.In order to avoid suffering from lifestyle diseases and obesity, it is wiser to replace the sweet tooth cravings with foods rich in natural sugars. That way, you will live healthier.