Django Unchained

Django Unchained, the film written and directed by Quentin Tarantino stirred mixed feelings. 

Wednesday, February 06, 2013

Django Unchained, the film written and directed by Quentin Tarantino stirred mixed feelings.  I don’t know if I can call it a little scary since I kept covering my eyes every time a gruesome act popped but one thing is for sure, even in moments where I felt truly angered, my eyes were glued to the screen. I swear that in all my entire movie watching days, I have never seen the kind of violence portrayed in Django. The gun shots were more like razor sharp missiles! The ‘Mandingo Fighting’ was a game that Calvin Candie (Leonardo DiCarpio), the brutal and charismatic plantation owner of Candyland enjoyed. His male slaves were trained to fight to the death and the winner would walk away with a gigantic bottle of wine. At one point, Calvin Candie feeds one of his Mandingo Fighter’s to the dogs because he tried to escape and didn’t want to fight anymore. At this point, I wanted to walk into the screen and kill this Calvin Candie loser. Luckily, someone called Dr. King Schultz (Christoph Waltz) did it for me later in the movie. The film also portrays just how far men will go for a woman they love. Django (Jamie Foxx), who was sold and taken away from his wife, Broomhilda (Kerry Washington) did everything to reunite with his love. Although other slaves were owned, Django was not just a free ‘nigger’ like other slaves but a ‘nigger’ on a horse - something that bothered Candie’s faithfully loyal house slave, Stephen (Samuel L. Jackson).