Why are some women so judgmental?

So, I’m bored out of my mind one hot afternoon and decide to take a walk around the house trying to look for a way to entertain myself. I felt like a child in a science class who simply can’t be bothered with science.

Wednesday, February 06, 2013
Women never keep anything to themselves. Net photo.

So, I’m bored out of my mind one hot afternoon and decide to take a walk around the house trying to look for a way to entertain myself. I felt like a child in a science class who simply can’t be bothered with science. I walked around untill I found my sister and our cousins looking out the window and rapidly assessing other women as they walked past... "good top, bad skirt, nice shoes, bad top, cool hat, what the hell is up with her legs...” etc....I looked at them and wondered if their comments would change anything.  I find it strange for anyone to pop their head out of a window, in that heat, just to make snide comments…who does that? "Women are unbelievably judgmental,” I shouted at them as I literally few away before their rude tongues turned against me. Most women can’t stand seeing another girl look better than them. well, men don’t either but women can’t keep it to themselves - they have to find something wrong about it and say it out loud. Please women, men actually hate that side of you and if you keep that up, one day he will be forced to tell you… actually the lady you’re talking about it so much smarter than you… And that is the day you will see me all bruised.