Seriously, no more drama!

If you love two people at the same time, choose the second. Because if you really loved the first one, you wouldn’t have fallen for the second.  Those are the brilliant words of my favourite actor Johnny Depp.

Wednesday, February 06, 2013

If you love two people at the same time, choose the second. Because if you really loved the first one, you wouldn’t have fallen for the second.  Those are the brilliant words of my favourite actor Johnny Depp. If you watch the South African soap opera Generations, then you are familiar with a character called Karabo Moroka played by Connie Ferguson. This chick had a series of ‘boyfriends’ and engagements/marriages gone wrong…but one episode I will never forget is when she was in love with one guy, engaged to someone else, and pregnant by another! You will have to forgive me for not using their names as they are quite confusing…and yes, I tried Wikipedia but it can’t be bothered with remembering every character either so let’s move on. I have seen confused chicks, but Karabo pretty much takes the crown. She was in love – just not with the father of her baby or the man she was going to marry for that matter! Now that’s drama! For women who have indeed found themselves in the tough predicament of relationship drama, I might come off as someone rambling about things I do not know. But you see, with friends like mine, there is always drama and though it is not my own, I AM relating to a true story. so, yes, I DO know what I’m talking about. This girl I went to school with had a boyfriend though he didn’t attend the same school. She claimed they loved each other deeply, but at 15, what did they know about love? Anyway, since her boyfriend was never around, boredom was only natural. So she started ‘hanging out’ with this other kid in our class – cute as hell – her ‘slippery’ ways were totally logical. They seemed to actually ‘love’ each other; however, their happiness was short lived.One day, an entertainment group came for a joint performance at our school and the appearance of her ‘actual’ boyfriend made the event even more interesting.Yes – this dude showed up unannounced (poor lad couldn’t call even if he wanted to), excited beyond words to see his belle. ‘Belle’ meanwhile was somewhere whispering sweet nothings to her new found love. Attempts to find her to warn her about her pending saga were futile as she chose that day to find the chemistry lab quite cozy. I hated going to the chemistry lab even when I had a class so when free, best believe I wouldn’t be caught dead anywhere near it!So, we gave up…decided we could use a little drama and went to the main hall to watch the show. She came strolling in with a grin so wide; I feared the fellow had proposed. Thirty minutes into the show, her beam turned into a jaw drop when she spotted her ‘sweet potato’ dancing on stage, with her seated next to her other boyfriend.who by the way had no idea she had a boyfriend – she conveniently left that part out when they started dating. As if that wasn’t bad enough, he had a slow number to do and dedicated it to his ‘love’ - then asked that she join him on stage. That was it! Let us just say, the aftermath wasn’t pretty! In this day and age, people still find themselves in such ludicrous drama. I never thought there was a woman so stupid as to take her ‘side dish’ to the same places her ‘main squeeze’ goes! I mean, if you are going to cheat on your man, at least give him the courtesy of not bumping into you at some joint glancing into another man’s eyes! Not cool!