A Rwandan radio soap drama Urunana, usually broadcasted on BBC has won a prestigious One World Special Achievement Award for Development Media in the UK that was organized by One World Broadcasting trust.
A Rwandan radio soap drama Urunana, usually broadcasted on BBC has won a prestigious One World Special Achievement Award for Development Media in the UK that was organized by One World Broadcasting trust.
Speaking to The New Times from UK, Narcisse Kalisa the executive producer affirmed that Urunana was recognized for its great concern of health issues.
"Our concern is about reproductive issues. In addition, our efforts have made tremendous changes in reducing diseases including the HIV/AIDS pandemic,” Kalisa said.
Urunana handles the issue of HIV by the horns, a thing that has helped it to create meaningful awareness on the disease. Urunana was launched in 1999 with support from the UK’s Department for International Development (DFID).
The group had already won various awards such as The Community Service Award issued by the Community Development Initiative in December 2007, and on 04 June 2008, it won the African Network for Strategic Communication in Health and Development (AfriComNet) Award.