What do you think hampers the reading culture in the country?

Language barrier is still a big challenge. Most of the books are written in English, yet few people speak the language. Children also study long hours and when they return home, they have to do house chores and house work so they hardly have anytime for reading. Parents and teachers should work out a way to ensure that children have ample time to do some reading besides class and house work.

Tuesday, February 05, 2013
Seth Habimana

Language barrier is still a big challenge. Most of the books are written in English, yet few people speak the language. Children also study long hours and when they return home, they have to do house chores and house work so they hardly have anytime for reading. Parents and teachers should work out a way to ensure that children have ample time to do some reading besides class and house work.- Seth Habimana, 25,  Africa Media Digital Media AcademyReading culture should be groomed right from homes and within the community. If children don’t see their parents reading, they don’t realize how important it is to read. Charity begins at home and so does reading. Parents should buy children interesting books to read and also lead by example. If they do read; their children will also read and not just watch TV.- Claire Mukashema, Teens and Adult Librarian at the Rwanda Library ServicesI use most of my free time to read at the Kacyiru based Library. My father also likes reading newspapers and encourages me to read since there are a variety of books I can read at the Library. Parents and teachers should not load us with only class work but give us time to read other books. They should buy us books and encourage children to utilise the library.- Isaac Kwizera, 12, P. 6, Ecole Primary School, KacyiruIt all starts in the family and school. Parents and teachers have a big role to play in grooming the reading culture from childhood. Parents should make use of the libraries and follow up to make sure the children are reading other books, for instance, you could read  a book with your child and then discuss it together to make sure they are reading. Parents too need to read, shouldn't only be children. - Devota Kayitesi, ParentWe get at least 80 people who come here at the library to read and the biggest percentage constitutes of children below 12 years. The number of Adults is also growing but majority are children. Everyone has a role to play in building a reading culture. Utilise the use of free library services by reading and also cut down on too much TV, especially for children.- Josiah Matovu, Systems Administrator, Rwanda Library Services, KacyiruI used to read when I was younger but when I grew up I lost interest because of school and movies. I never see my parents reading so I also don’t deem it so necessary. Reading is however important, but should be inculcated from childhood.- Zoe Kamahoro, 20, First Year student in Uganda