Our commitment is nation building

Education Times is a new product from The New Times Publications that will come free with every copy of our Wednesday issue. This informative, insightful and interactive pullout is aimed at bringing the education debate to the forefront where it really belongs; after all, no country can be more developed than its education system.

Tuesday, February 05, 2013

Education Times is a new product from The New Times Publications that will come free with every copy of our Wednesday issue. This informative, insightful and interactive pullout is aimed at bringing the education debate to the forefront where it really belongs; after all, no country can be more developed than its education system. When we talk about education system, we should not restrict ourselves curriculum or classroom activities, but encompass the totality of educational aspects that cut across all spheres of our life. We need to bring all these to the fore as an integral part of development strategies for Rwanda. Education has already undergone a whole lot of transformation. especially since the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi came to an end and a new unity government focused on development chose to turn a new page and drive the country forward. A country’s development goals can never be complete without education being a core part of the debate. In the same spirit, a newspaper worth its name is not complete if it is not giving education its due space. This is why we think Education Times could not have come out at a better time. We aspire to bring together all education-related voices in a discussion that will see everyone playing a role in further transforming education in particular and Rwanda in general. We do believe that you will enjoy reading and also being a part of this weekly pullout. Anything you feel should be included or that you yourself can contribute can be forwarded to the editor at this e-mail. education@newtimes.co.rw