Success comes to the determined

Our habits have a defining role in our ability to create and keep wealth, says former Harvard University Professor and author William James. The psychology professor believes that “habit simplifies movements required to achieve any given results, make them accurate and reduce fatigue. In short, you are ‘your habit’.

Monday, February 04, 2013

Our habits have a defining role in our ability to create and keep wealth, says former Harvard University Professor and author William James. The psychology professor believes that "habit simplifies movements required to achieve any given results, make them accurate and reduce fatigue. In short, you are ‘your habit’.In my pursuits of knowledge on sources of wealth, I have discovered that the fear of poverty, criticism, ill health, old age and death controls the mind of poor. In fact poverty simply means passing over opportunities repeatedly - POOR. Let us look at it this way, if a small boy tries to join dots to form a full image in a patterned photo, but misses one dot, he will end up with a wrong image. This is similar to how we connect dots of life and life-changing opportunities. Once you miss one dot, you miss an opportunity and, hence, lead a miserable life. Therefore, you should always be on look out for the next possible opportunity coming your way. A better way to describe this philosophy of growth is the ABCD process: Always Be Connecting the Dots.So, any person aspiring to be wealthy, they must learn the habits of wealthy people. Anyone can corrupt their way to cash, but not wealth that will stay beyond generations. A critical source of wealth is having a definite purpose in life that harnesses all your energy and money. Don’t be like those who do little or no thinking for themselves and wait to be influenced and controlled by circumstances or other people. This explains the wide spread poverty and lack of purpose in life and self confidence in one’s ability to accomplish anything that requires effort or imagination.Anybody can bridge the wealth gap by creating a habit around a definite purpose thereby discovering and developing potential. Always focus on things that will take you to the next level in life.For example, a Muslim is supposed to pray five times a day as part of his or her lifestyle. This habit of endurance is repeatable in other spheres of life. It is important to see anything as an opportunity; it could be your friends, your business and your little piece of land or even your phone. In every subject, there is something that could easily win you success. If there is anything rewarding, it is doing what you avoided and later succeeding in it hugely.My inspiration, Napoleon Hill, defines poor people as people who accept whatever life throws their way without making a protest. But this is creating a huge problem that will haunt you in future. So, are you one of them? Get all possible means that will create more channels of cash flow. Remember, wealth is the only reward life gives back as success and the legacy you leave behind for generations to come after you.