MTN seeks a customer relationship management executive reporting to the customer experience and training manager. Application letters and updated curriculum vitae should be sent to together with copies of credentials not later than February 13.
MTN seeks a customer relationship management executive reporting to the customer experience and training manager. Application letters and updated curriculum vitae should be sent to together with copies of credentials not later than February 13.Programme specialistThe United Nations Development Programme wants a programme specialist in the poverty reduction and environment department. He or she shall be reporting to the country director. Application deadline is February and should only online via http// Qualified women are encouraged to apply.Programme associateThe United Nations Development Programme is looking for a Programme Associate in the Poverty and Environment Unit. He or she shall be reporting to the Program specialist. Application deadline Febraury 19 and via online only at Qualified women are encouraged to apply.Hydro power engineerThe Nile Basin Initiative seeks an experienced international hydro-power engineer who will serve as project manager for the regional Rusumo Falls Hydro-electric project. Applicants should apply by submitting a cover letter and CV, including date of birth and nationality by February 25 through the email sabotaging yourselfGoing for what you really want takes courage, but by taking a risk you open yourself not only to the possibility of failure, but also the possibility of learning, growth, and real attainment."When faced with a big challenge, it is tempting to anticipate the obstacles that might get in the way and use them as an excuse not to move forward. But this type of self-handicapping will prevent you from reaching your potential.Here is how to stop it:Watch for the warning signs. These include holding back, generating lists of excuses or excessively focusing on the potential obstacles.Articulate goals, not excuses. Use ‘what-ifs’ and ‘if-onlys’ to help generate ideas about how you might remove obstacles. For example, if you think you might fail because you lack a certain skill, find out how to acquire it.Manage your negative emotions. When faced with obstacles (and there are always some), you’re likely to feel disappointment or anger. Be kind to yourself in working through these emotions and focus on what you can change.”Adapted from"Don’t Sabotage Yourself”