Vegetables, fruits ease bowel movement

Editor, This is in response to Dr. Joseph Kamugisha’s article,” Natural ways to overcome constipation.” (The New Times, February 2, 2013).

Sunday, February 03, 2013

Editor,This is in response to Dr. Joseph Kamugisha’s article,” Natural ways to overcome constipation.” (The New Times, February 2, 2013). Good to emphasise "healthy fats”, otherwise cholesterol has for long been associated with atherosclerosis and cardiovascular diseases. I have advised most people to take fibre, which naturally exerts that physical nature on food. Fibre can be got from vegetables, and natural juices, for example, mango juice. Some people think taking bananas may ease constipation but in most cases it does not work. This is mainly because solid food, which has been dehydrated, requires water and fibre as well as "healthy fats”, which make movement to the lower part of the bowel easy.Thanks for the insight into this common digestive problem.James Munanura, Makerere University, Kampala, Uganda