Heroism the basis of self-esteem, development

Editor, This is in reaction to the article, “Kagame pays tribute to National Heroes” published in The New Times of February 2, 2013.

Sunday, February 03, 2013
The National Heroes Mausoleum in Kigali serves as a reminder of citizensu2019 duty to be heroes in their own little ways. The New Times/File.

Editor,This is in reaction to the article, "Kagame pays tribute to National Heroes” published in The New Times of February 2, 2013. Heroism is the foundation of dignity and development. This surely begs of Rwandans (leaders) to always consider the ethical and moral values whenever they are about to take decisions which have an impact on the state and its citizens. This way, we will be paying tribute to our heroes in a positive manner.Innocent Biraboneye Hodali, Kicukiro, Kigali************Editor, As I write from Harare, Zimbabwe, I have a strong sense of pride that Rwanda is standing tall as a beacon of peace, development and stability on the continent. It is now difficult to believe that this is a country that descended into a complete abyss just a few years ago.As an African journalist closely watching events in Rwanda, I am happy to tell fellow brothers and sisters in Rwanda that your country is making us proud. Your country is enjoying phenomenal economic progress; peace, institutional order and political stability. As you celebrate the lives of the men and women who sacrificed life to build the foundation of this now strong and brave nation, it is important for Rwandans to realise that the successes you are enjoying are as a result of a strong leadership that you have under President Paul Kagame. Rwanda is now the torch bearer for economic development and political stability. You must never take for granted the achievements your country has realised so far. Rwanda is a global example of how a strong and committed leadership can transform the lives of citizens. From total collapse, your country is now a shining example of good governance the world over. President Kagame- keep up the good work of making Africans proud. Thank you, The New Times for making my views known to the people of RwandaKelvinJjakachira, Harare, Zimbabwe