Traffic nightmare at la colombiere

Dear editor, Everyone who sees Kigali cannot resist praising the authorities for cleanliness of our roads. But I am sorry to say that this cleanliness does not go far to our suburbs.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Dear editor,

Everyone who sees Kigali cannot resist praising the authorities for cleanliness of our roads. But I am sorry to say that this cleanliness does not go far to our suburbs.

Surprisingly there is not much contribution or support from the population in this direction. A boss with a big house will overlook a road outside his gate being deteriorated claiming that outside his gate is the government business.

Unfortunately this bad thinking goes further to some organisations with substantial financial means, who will not bother while a small portion of road leading to their offices become Impassable. He will resolve to buy a 4 wheel drive company car.

A good (bad) example is La Colombiere -School road. What motorists pass through while dropping children at La” Co!ombiere School is beyond one’s comprehension! You can not believe that it is in Kigali of 21st century.

The road to La Colombiere and ULK buildings is some few hundred meters from tarmac but is a nightmare to the motorists who daily drop their children at this school.

One wonders why a school cannot do anything” about it while this situation goes with the security of hundreds of children that the school should take as a priority.

The explanation you will certainly get is that the road is outside the school gate and so under government’s responsibility.

To make the already bad situation worse this short road to La Colombiere is littered with old trucks that found no other place for dumping.

But queer enough you see upcountry schools maintaining access roads of many kilometers leading to their schools. Some schools will go further and pay expensively to tarmac that access road.

Could these schools claim to be "richer”?
I appeal to the authorities to advise La Colombiere School and its neighbours to use a grader or levellers once a year.

It does not cost much while it is an added value to their school and makes it safer for the children they are educating.
