ORTPN should tighten the measures

The New Times issue 1278 carried an article about eight poachers who were caught operating illegally in the Akagera National park.

Monday, September 10, 2007

The New Times issue 1278 carried an article about eight poachers who were caught operating illegally in the Akagera National park.

Big thanks go to ORTPN rangers who did their best to have these poachers arrested. Poachers should be seriously punished because they are doing great harm to our animals.

Wildlife hunting should not be seen as a business to be done by some individuals, it should be protected to portray the beauty of nature and add to our national income in terms of foreign income from tourists.

Wildlife should also be protected to display God’s super natural wisdom and works on the earth.

The killing of certain animals should be strictly avoided in-order to protect them from extinction.

It could be absurd to tell our great grand children stories of how certain animals looked like or behaved yet we had all chances to protect and preserve the species for other generations.

Protecting wildlife will not only develop the tourism industry in Rwanda but the world at large.

My message to all Rwandans residing near these national parks is to be an eye for ORTPN and never to be bribed by these poachers.

If you happen to see the poachers, make sure that you report them to the local leaders. By doing so, you will be helping in the protection of wild life.         
