Accounting body contributes Rwf17m to Agaciro

The Institute of Public Accountants (ICPAR) has contributed over 17 million to Agaciro development fund.

Saturday, February 02, 2013
The Minister of Finance and iCPAR staff hold the dummy cheque.

The Institute of Public Accountants (ICPAR) has contributed over 17 million to Agaciro development fund. ICPAR is professional Accounting body that regulates financial institutions.The staff of ICPR on Thursday gave a cheque of Rwf17, 55, 3282 to the Minister of Finance John Rwangombwa. Rwangombwa thanked the body for its contribution and added that the act of contributing to the fund was a signal that Rwandans can achieve a lot together."It’s a good sign that relates to your work. The spirit of giving signifies that with combined efforts, we can take a step ahead in as far as development of our country is concerned,” he said."We are happy for this contribution and I am assuring you that this input will contribute to the development of the country and the welfare of Rwandans in general.”The chairperson of ICPAR, Peter Rutaremera, said the institution has almost 225 members but most of them were outside the country."We are still contributing, very soon another cheque will also be submitted because only a quarter contributed,” he said. "Other members work in various financial institutions so they contributed from there”.The institute has wide-ranging responsibilities, including promotion and adherence to financial reporting, auditing and ethical, regulating and promoting efficient accounting practices.