Soldiers urged to use circumcision as a measure to fight HIV/Aids

WESTERN PRONVINCE Senior soldiers of the two battalions that make up the 201 Brigade have been urged to use circumcision as an HIV/Aids preventive measure.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008


Senior soldiers of the two battalions that make up the 201 Brigade have been urged to use circumcision as an HIV/Aids preventive measure.

This was during a five days training sponsored by ADRA under a project called, ‘Uniformed Personnel and Prisoners’ that features HIV/Aids sensitization to all people that dress up in uniforms in their professions.

"According to research done by many countries, the risk of HIV/Aids infection by a circumcised person is reduced to 60 per cent incase they had unprotected sex,” said Dr.

Murego Charles the in charge of health in Brigade 201. Some of the countries he mentioned were India, U.S.A, China plus some African countries.

Dr. Murego explained that circumcised men would also reduce the risk of infecting their wives with Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs).

"In the ‘ABC’ of HIV/Aids, that is Abstinence, Being Faithful and using Condoms, circumcision has turned out to be the D for men,” said Ngiruwonsanga Geofrey, the ADRA Project co-coordinator in Karongi and Nyamasheke districts.

Ngiruwonsanga added that circumcised men have been found to be the most hygienic.

"It is no longer a preserve of Muslims to be circumcised,” he said adding that many especially in villages are still green about it and feel they would have betrayed their religion.

Meanwhile this campaign is meant to urge parents to take their male children for circumcision at a very young stage which would save them from enduring the pain.

The doctor warned that circumcision done with none sterilized instruments would cause infections. "You should mind the instruments since it involves blood. Incase you share instruments you will be exposed to infections, HIV and other STDs,” he said.

Soldiers were urged to use condoms incase they can’t be faithful to their spouses adding that  the longtime they take without going to their homes would make them sexually starved hence having the urge to have sex outside marriage.
