MOTORINGCORNER Drivers’ common sense

APART FROM THE best mechanical condition of any vehicle, a good driver is as important. Driving is a skill that gets perfected with constant interaction and making the right judgment to get rid of “human error”, the major attributing factor to accidents!

Friday, February 01, 2013

APART FROM THE best mechanical condition of any vehicle, a good driver is as important. Driving is a skill that gets perfected with constant interaction and making the right judgment to get rid of "human error”, the major attributing factor to accidents!Being a driver, I have so many times come face to face with really bad drivers, bad in that, they make poor judgment or even stupid mistakes if I may call them so! How do you speed through an orange Traffic light?  Orange communicates that, approach with caution. What if the driver approaching from your right hand side, what if he too did exactly the same?  That is what I normally advise people to follow the "rule of thumb” that says, "All drivers don’t know how to drive; only you are the best driver”.  Driving requires common sense, if you get involved in a road rage, you lose the ability to think and make right judgment and hence the resulting undesirable results.

When you see someone trying to overtake, as a matter of fact, give the driver way and let him go, don’t get involved in a chase as it could end up with you or the other off the road.  The best driver is the one that does not lose his cool come what may.  Drive safely and sensibly and you will enjoy many more years of driving.